Saturday 14 September 2013

Employment and Employability in Social Media Era

  During 2009 I received an invitation from one of my friend to join FACEBOOK, who introduced this as a new way of communication among the acquaintances.  Since I joined FACEBOOK my life changed and I could find long-lost friends and relatives with whom I was not able to communicate since I relocated to UAE from Bangladesh due to an attractive job in a Investment company.This revolutionary social media brought my social life back to track through connecting me across continents.  I can know what my cousin has done last weekend and my school friend where he spent his summer vacation. FACEBOOK connects a large number of people through continuous streaming of data flowing across the whole world. There are are useful features in FACEBOOK which can be used to search friends through school, university and even an location name. I have made good use of FACEBOOK for my MBA studies. I maintained two FACEBOOK account which is not very common feature among user in order to maintain a complete separate pool of network. I maintain one FB account to get connected with my close friends and my relatives and I post only personal pictures this account. On the other hand I used another account for connecting myself professionally and I used this account to communicate with my MBA classmates for exchanging ideas, study materials, group discusson etc. For my professional FACEBOOK account I created some discussion groups for my MBA modules and discussed different problems and ideas with my MBA fellow students. 

 During 2011 one of my well wisher colleague who wanted to help me to find a better placement as a Finance Manager, advised me to open an account in LinkedIn social media. Following his advise I joined LinkedIn social media I was very fascinated of how people are posting their profiles to the prospective employers. Honestly speaking I was using the LinkedIn for a quiet longtime but still was not very familiar with some of the tricks of the social media network until I followed the Leicester Award for Employability lectures, discussions, and webiners.  After attending the webiners and discussions I felt that I need to improve my social media presence drastically in order to make myself employable in the current job market. Attending the Leicester Award module webiners enabled me to construct my LinkedIn profile much better than before. Now I know how to network and connect to improve my employability in a certain job market. I believe following the right company and right strategy to be head hunted will land me in a better job very soon. 

At present I am working on my Dissertation project which is due to complete within next couple of months and in this high time for marketing my personal brand and I am making good use of social media specially LinkedIn for marketing my skills and experiences.


  1. Hello Saiful,

    A very well managed blog you have here!

    All posts are well written in a very interesting and engaging manner.

    Well done, some good work covered here with lots to keep up professionally and socially!

    Wishing you the very best in your future career and social media blogging:)

    Best regards,


    1. Hi Wassila, thank you for your inspiring comments. I still need to learn a great deal of blogging which I will concentrate after completing my dissertation. Thank you again for your valuable time.
